
Health Coaching


What is a functional medicine health coaching?

A partnership in wellbeing

As your coach I will…

  • Provide support, feedback, and evidence based behavioral tools for cultivating a growth mindset and achieving goals that are important to you

  • Co-create a plan with clients to address the ‘how.’ We often know the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ and with a little support, I can help you meet your goals and keep progressing

  • Focus on lifestyle change to prevent disease and bolster longevity in health of mind, body, and spirit by addressing stress, nutrition, sleep, and movement

  • Inspire behavioral change in an integrative health context

  • Employ my background in movement, physiology, and Ayurveda to offer practices and routines that support your season of life

  • Engage in private, professional one on one sessions where your goals, needs, and growth are confidential

  • Collaborate with health professionals

  • Provide tough love and support you in feeling and being your best while challenging you to be your own best teacher

  • Offer additional modules including private movement sessions & continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance

    What I do not do…

    • Diagnose or treat disease

    • Order and assess bloodwork or other clinical tests

    • Tell you exactly what to do (part of this work is uncovering answers within yourself!)

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